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Confronting The Four Existential Concerns

Sarah Rossmiller LPC

Existentialism is a philosophical movement that delves deep into the human experience, focusing on the fundamental questions of existence. Irvin D. Yalom, a prominent psychiatrist and existential psychotherapist, identified four central existential concerns that play a significant role in shaping our lives. In this blog post, we will explore these four existential concerns, their implications for our understanding of ourselves and the world, and how to manage the anxiety or despair they have a tendency to activate within us.

1. Death

Death is an ever-present existential concern that looms over our lives. Yalom argues that our awareness of mortality influences our decisions, values, and actions. The fear of death can lead to anxiety and existential dread. However, embracing the reality of mortality can paradoxically lead to a deeper appreciation of life. It can motivate us to make the most of our time and engage in meaningful pursuits.

Coping with death anxiety is a personal and ongoing process, and different strategies work for different individuals. Here are some concrete everyday ways that may help in managing death anxiety:

2. Freedom

Existentialism emphasizes the concept of personal freedom and responsibility. Yalom's second existential concern is the recognition that we have the freedom to make choices in our lives, but this freedom comes with the responsibility to make meaningful choices. The anxiety stemming from this responsibility can be overwhelming at times. It challenges us to confront our values, beliefs, and the consequences of our actions.

Coping with the existential concern of freedom involves finding ways to navigate the challenges and responsibilities that come with the recognition of one's own freedom and the need to make choices. Here are some ideas:

3. Isolation

Existential isolation refers to the idea that, ultimately, each person is alone in their subjective experience of the world. Despite our connections with others, we can never fully know or understand their inner worlds. This existential concern can lead to feelings of loneliness and disconnection.

Coping with existential isolation often involves a combination of strategies, and it's important to be patient with yourself as you navigate this aspect of your life. Experiment with different approaches and seek support when needed. Here are some ideas:

4. Meaninglessness

The search for meaning is a fundamental human endeavor. Yalom's fourth existential concern revolves around the fear of meaninglessness. When individuals confront the possibility that life lacks inherent purpose, it can lead to existential despair. However, existentialism suggests that we have the power to create our own meaning through our choices and actions.

Coping with existential meaninglessness can be challenging, but there are several strategies that individuals can explore to find a sense of purpose and meaning in their lives. Here are some ideas:

Yalom's four existential concerns—death, freedom, isolation, and meaninglessness—provide a framework for understanding the profound questions that shape our existence. While these concerns may provoke anxiety and uncertainty, they also offer an opportunity for personal growth, self-discovery, and the creation of a more meaningful life. By acknowledging and engaging with these existential issues, we can navigate the complexities of human existence with greater awareness and purpose. Existentialism challenges us to embrace our freedom, seek connections with others, and find meaning in a world that often appears devoid of inherent purpose.

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